A Heartfelt Thank You and Exciting News from AtlantaPFS!

Dear Pathfinder Society enthusiasts,

We hope this message finds you well and full of holiday cheer! We wanted to take a moment to extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who participated in the recent Toys of Boundless Wonder event. Whether you took on the role of Game Master, adventured as a player, or generously contributed to the Toys for Tots bin at Titan Games & Comics in Smyrna, your involvement made the event a resounding success!

A special shout-out goes to the incredible staff at Titan Games & Comics for their invaluable support and for graciously hosting us during the thrilling Pathfinder Society Interactive Special 4-99: Blessings of the Forest. Your dedication to our community is truly appreciated.

If you’re curious to see the impact of your toy donations, check out this heartwarming snapshot: Toys of Boundless Wonder – Titan Games & Comics.

Now, with the holiday spirit still in the air, we’re thrilled to announce our next special event—the AtlantaPFS Holiday Party and Potluck! Mark your calendars for January 28th at noon, and join us at H. J. Wings & Things in Fayetteville, GA. The venue address is 389 Glynn Street North, Fayetteville, GA 30214. Best of all, there’s no charge for this festive gathering!

To ensure we have enough space and delicious treats for everyone, we kindly ask you to RSVP by filling out our sign-up sheet at Holiday Party Sign-Up. This will also help us coordinate a fantastic potluck, so please let us know what delightful dish you plan to bring.

Stay tuned for upcoming game schedules on Warhorn, and in the meantime, feel free to connect with fellow enthusiasts and share your excitement for the upcoming Holiday Party on our community forums.

Once again, thank you for being an integral part of the AtlantaPFS community. Your enthusiasm and generosity make our events truly special. We can’t wait to celebrate the season with you at the Holiday Party!

Wishing you a joyous holiday season and a fantastic New Year filled with epic adventures!

Best regards,


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