Helpful links for PFS/SFS players
Our Policies
Guides to Organized Play
Pathfinder 2nd Edition Society Guide to Organized Play
Starfinder Society Guide to Organized Play
VO Handbook (this is publicly available though only applicable to Venture-Officers)
Remaster Specific Pages
Pathfinder Provisions (Replaces School Training Items)
Social Media
Pathfinder Society of Georgia on Facebook
Helpful Tools
Archives of Nethys (Starfinder)
Archives of Nethys (Pathfinder 2E)
Archives of Nethys (Pathfinder 1E)
Demiplane (home of Pathfinder Nexus)
Character Creation Sites
Virtual Tabletops
Local Conventions with AtlantaPFS presence
Marietta the Gathering (Marietta Parks & Recreation on Facebook)
Conventions Outside the Atlanta Area
Other PFS Lodges
Live Play, Podcasts, Video Help, and Other Groups
How It’s Played YouTube Channel (PF2E/SFS)
Encounter Library Foundry VTT YouTube Channel