Welcome to AtlantaPFS and Paizo Organized Play!

Greetings Players, Game Masters, and Venture-Officers!

Welcome to the community that is AtlantaPFS and to Paizo Organized Play! Whether you’re new to Atlanta, to Tabletop Role-Playing Games (TTRPGs), to Organized Play, or all of the above, we’re glad to have you here.

For New Players:

AtlantaPFS strives to be an open, accepting, and welcoming community that thrives on diversity and the history each of you brings to the game tables. As you bring your characters to life alongside others doing the same, my hope is that you’ll forge new friendships and continue coming to our events.

Feel free to ask questions of any of us. We’re always more than happy to help someone find their footing on this journey, and we look forward to seeing both your character’s growth as well as your own.

For Game Masters:

To our Game Masters, thank you for taking on the quest to tell the stories that engage our players in the Pathfinder and Starfinder universes. Your willingness to step up and breathe life into what’s written on the pages for player enjoyment is greatly appreciated! Your passionate approach to telling the stories and engaging the players is what keeps people coming back to the tables, even if you do score the occasional TPK.

We’re all always here, willing to answer questions, share stories, give advice, or provide any assistance needed. If you want to share tools or things that work for you, we’re here for that too! Anything that makes the experience positive for all members of the community is always welcome.

For Venture-Officers:

To our new Venture-Officers, thank you for your commitment to growth and inclusion within AtlantaPFS. Your continued efforts to schedule events and keep them running smoothly helps everyone leave happy at the end of the day, as if all their rolls had been critical successes. You are instrumental in what we achieve here, and we appreciate that you stepped forward to help guide the group into the future. If there is anything we can do to help you in this task, please feel free to ask and we’ll be happy to help get the answers you need.

For everyone:

To sum it all up, welcome to AtlantaPFS. We hope you make connections for level 20 (or life, whichever comes first) and that you enjoy yourselves. May your successes be critical, your failures not be critical, your character’s deeds the story of myth and legend, and your stay a happy memory in your lives.

Now, let’s go slay some monsters!


Joel H
Venture-Captain Atlanta
On behalf of all Venture-Officers in the AtlantaPFS Lodge

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