Who are we? What do we do? What are we up to now?

If you’ve been to our site, you may have clicked on and read the Who Are We page. On that page, it explains that we are a volunteer organization, representing Paizo’s Organized Play Program, running and playing Paizo’s Pathfinder and Starfinder game systems in the Metro Atlanta area. As Tabletop Role Playing Game (TTRPG) enthusiasts, we enjoy sharing our hobby with others and introducing new players to the games we enjoy. We offer sessions for anyone interested, whether you’re just starting out with TTRPGs, learning the systems we run after trying others, or are experienced with the systems we offer. For people brand new to either TTRPGs or the two systems, we offer Build & Play sessions, where we spend time helping players take a character from concept through the design process and then play their concept in an hour-long session to see how viable it is.

We run sessions throughout Metro Atlanta, from McDonough and Fayetteville up to Duluth and Acworth, covering as much of the areas in between as we are able. The Venues Where We Play page has the most up to date listing of where you can find us on local game days. The game days, themselves, are listed on the AtlantaPFS Warhorn Page and are cross-posted to the GAPFS Forums as well as our social media presence (Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Mastodon). Even though the social media presence is mostly automated cross-posts, they are there for conversation and discussion as well.

As part of the Metro Atlanta gaming community, we also have a presence at a number of local conventions. Our Links page includes a section on local conventions where we participate. For those interested, there is even a page with countdown timers for all the conventions listed (for those that have already occurred but have not yet announced dates for 2024, there is no timer shown).

At the top of the countdown timers page is our next convention – Nerdi Gras. This is Nerdi Gras’ first year, and we’re happy to have been asked to take part in it. AtlantaPFS will do everything we can to help make this convention successful, and we hope you’ll join us there. We will have GMs available who can run either Pathfinder or Starfinder, with the convention having specifically asking for Pathfinder. Build & Play will be available, as will bounties that can be played with either characters of your own or Paizo-created Iconic Pregenereated Characters. Come out and join the fun. We’re looking forward to seeing you there!

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