I’m going to do something I normally don’t do here and speak as myself rather than on behalf of AtlantaPFS.

Today, on day 3 of DragonCon, I was both honored and humbled to receive a Campaign Service Coin in recognition of the work still being done to rebuild and expand the Paizo Organized Play program in Atlanta and the Task Force and Committee work being done to make the Organized Play program stronger.

Had it not been for the current (and soon to be announced) and past VOs in Atlanta, the RVCs under whom I’ve served, all the people at Paizo who’ve supported and guided me on this journey (including my insanity with an “all-specials-ish” DragonCon and the Eldritch Horror that is my Atlanta tracking spreadsheet), the VOs from all over the world from whom I’ve learned a lot, all the players and GMs with whom I’ve interacted over the years here in Atlanta as well as online, and to a close friend who pushed me to try OP when SFS launched after I told him I was missing gaming more than anything after having moved from Maryland to Atlanta, I owe you all a debt of thanks for me getting to this point.

We are all rebuilding our areas since COVID, and we will all come back stronger than ever. I’m looking forward to not only seeing where we land, but doing my part in helping us get there. The work is not easy, and it is not complete, but it is worth it if it means bringing people together to have fun.


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