Giving Thanks for a Year of Epic Adventures in AtlantaPFS!

Dear Pathfinder and Starfinder Adventurers of Atlanta,

As we gather around the virtual table or in the hallowed halls of our favorite venues, I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you who has made this year in AtlantaPFS truly remarkable.

To our dedicated Game Masters, whose storytelling prowess and commitment to crafting immersive adventures have transported us to fantastical realmsโ€”we are endlessly thankful. Your passion for the game ignites our own, and your tireless efforts to create memorable experiences do not go unnoticed.

To our incredible players, who bring characters to life with creativity and enthusiasm, thank you for filling our sessions with camaraderie, laughter, and epic moments. Your commitment to the game and the community is the heart of AtlantaPFS, and we appreciate each of you for making our adventures so memorable.

A special shoutout to our indispensable Venture-Officers. Without your hard work and dedication, the intricate web that is AtlantaPFS would not be as finely woven. Your behind-the-scenes efforts, organizational skills, and commitment to ensuring everything runs smoothly are the unsung heroes of our community. We owe much of our success to your unwavering support.

Last but certainly not least, a heartfelt thank you to the venues and their personnel who have opened their doors to us, providing the perfect backdrop for our epic quests. Your hospitality has been the cornerstone of our community, and we are grateful for the spaces you’ve provided for our adventures to unfold.

As we reflect on the year gone by, let’s carry the spirit of gratitude into the adventures that lie ahead. AtlantaPFS is more than just a collection of games; it’s a community of passionate individuals coming together to share in the joy of storytelling and camaraderie.

May your Thanksgiving be filled with joy, laughter, and the warmth of good company. Here’s to another year of unforgettable adventures in AtlantaPFS!

With heartfelt thanks,

Joel Hager
Venture-Captain AtlantaPFS

PS – Though I use ChatGPT to write a lot of the posts here, I do have to tell it what I want it to express, and the heartfelt thank you to all of you was part of the wall of text I threw at it to wordsmith into what you see above. AI makes what I do here easier, and I am thankful for it, but the thoughts it expresses are my own.

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