Congratulations! We Did It!

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We’re now 1/3 of the way through the year and, thanks to your help, we’ve beaten our table count from 2022! As of April 30, we have exceeded last year’s combined RSP and Special Event total table count by 7 tables, and that’s with our heaviest hitting conventions still to come.

Speaking of conventions, MomoCon is coming up in just over 3 weeks. Planning has been underway for some time, and further information on player registration for games should be coming soon.

Southern-Fried Gaming Expo is also in the planning stages. A meeting between SFGE leadership and AtlantaPFS already occurred to discuss this year’s convention. The volunteer call already went out, and the response has been good so far. More information will come soon.

DragonCon is in its final planning stages, and the first call for volunteers went out by email and post on here and our social media accounts. We’re pushing for an ambitious feat – offering all but 1 of the interactive specials for both Pathfinder 2E and Starfinder, while also offering tables of Pathfinder 1E. Volunteer applications started trickling in, but we are always in need of more. To pull off an interactive special requires multiple table GMs and an Overseer GM for each of the time slots. It also means needing HQ volunteers as well as GM HQ/On-Call GMs for Quests, Bounties, and Build & Play sessions.

If you’ve ever been curious about running games at a convention, now is the perfect time. Just click on the Volunteer Form on the right side Member menu, fill it out and submit it, and we’ll be in touch.

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