DragonCon call for Volunteers

Hello, everyone.

If you’re receiving this email, it’s because you’ve volunteered to run tables at DragonCon previously. 

DragonCon 2023 is coming up August 31 – September 4.  After a few lean years, we are trying to push DragonCon hard this year.  To that end, we’re attempting an ambitious and somewhat aggressive schedule.  The current plan is to offer 9 Interactive Specials at DragonCon this year, as well as 2 tables of Quests/Bounties on Demand, 1 table of PF1, and at least 12 tables of scenarios other than the specials.  To achieve this schedule, we need volunteers. 

What do we need?

Table GMs, Overseer GMs, HQ Volunteers, and GM HQ Volunteers. 

What do you get out of it? 

If you volunteer for a minimum of 25 hours (5 slots), you get your badge for free for convention admission.  Also, for 15 hours or more (3 slots), you get 6 regular game tickets (not generic tickets, but “reserved” tickets) to give you a chance to not have to run anything.

How to get involved

  • Sign up on the AtlantaPFS Volunteer Form.  This will alert me that you’re interested and will serve as your authorization to contact you further about DragonCon.
  • If (and only if) you intend to volunteer for 25+ hours/5+ slots of time, you’ll need to sign up on DragonCon’s Eventeny volunteer site as either a new or returning volunteer, selecting Campaign RPG as the department (or writing it in the comments if it does not appear on your list)
    • If you are volunteering for fewer than 25 hours/5 slots of time, DragonCon leadership would prefer you do not sign up on the Eventeny site as they are using it to track those volunteers who have earned free admission badges.
  • When I release the planning form, select slots you’re interested in covering, whether as a GM, Overseer, HQ, or GM HQ
    • All slots, including quests/bounties and any HQ slot are 5 hours in duration
  • Once the event code is provided, create your table sign-in sheets on RPGChronicles.
    • The event code will tie the sheet to our event dashboard for reporting purposes, and you will be able to provide a QR code at the table (which will also be at the HQ desk) for signing in

If you no longer wish to receive emails about either this convention or any other Atlanta area conventions, please respond to this email and I will remove you from the list.

If you know anyone who may be interested in volunteering, please feel free to forward this email to them to get them in contact with me.

Thanks, and I’m looking forward to seeing you all at the convention.


Joel Hager (77468) Venture-Captain Atlanta GA Pathfinder Society Lodge https://atlantapfs.org

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