I want to step out from behind the curtain for just a moment to thank everyone who helped make DragonCon special this year. Together, we raised over $1600 from ticket sales for our Specials, through tableside donations, and raffle ticket sales.

I would also like to thank all our volunteers. Whether you were a Game Master or ran the desk at Headquarters, we could not have pulled this off without you. I would also like to thank DragonCon for having us back, and a special thank you to all volunteers who came in from outside the metro-Atlanta area, including Alex Speidel from Paizo, who got to see why I believe DragonCon is special, as well as putting up with my insanity and antics since last Wednesday.

I already started thinking up ways to do tweak things a bit for next year, and with Starfinder 2E launching fully by then, you can believe that will hit the schedule.

If you played at any of our tables and have not received your chronicle sheets, please reach out by using the Contact Us link or by sending an email to admin@atlantapfs.org. I have given GMs until Tuesday to get everything in order, so if you have not received your chronicle sheets by then, please let me know. To facilitate getting you what you’ve earned, I will need the following from you:
Player ID

  • Character Number
  • Character ID
  • Scenario Number, Scenario Name
  • Date of Session and time slot of session

On a final note, one of our volunteers tested positive for COVID, as did a member of DragonCon staff with whom we regularly interacted. I would urge each of you to get tested to make certain you did not pick it up at the convention.

Thank you all again, and I look forward to seeing you at DragonCon 2025.

Joel – VC Atlanta Lodge

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