AtlantaPFS Weekly Game Schedule: June 30 – July 6

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Welcome to another exciting week of Pathfinder and Starfinder games with AtlantaPFS! Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the world of tabletop RPGs, we have something for everyone. Our dedicated Game Masters (GMs) are always eager to introduce new players to the game systems in an Organized Play setting. While walkups are always welcome, our table space is limited to a maximum of 6 players, so signing up via the included Warhorn links is the best way to guarantee your spot at the table.

If enough interest and the waitlist grows, we may be able to add a GM or schedule another slot of the same session at a later point so everyone can play. Please note that the schedule is subject to change, as sessions with fewer than 2-3 players (depending on the level range) or unforeseen circumstances for a GM can cause a session to be canceled. Be sure to check the Warhorn site to confirm the game is still happening; we try to cancel or change the schedule 48 hours in advance when possible.

New to the game or don’t have a character within the level range? No problem! We may have pregenerated iconic characters available, allowing you to try out the game and give credit to your own characters.

We also want to remind everyone that we are openly recruiting for Game Masters and Headquarters personnel for DragonCon (August 29 – September 2). To volunteer, please fill out the volunteer form at AtlantaPFS Volunteer Form.

We recently lost a venue, The Anguished Barber, which has permanently closed. We wish the owners success in their future endeavors and thank them for hosting our games. However, we’re excited to announce that our new Venture-Agent, Will H., has secured Rocky Mountain Pizza Company in Atlanta as a new venue, with games starting there very soon.

Stay tuned for our upcoming newsletter and the addition of content on our YouTube channel. Current ideas for content include navigation and use of the Paizo website, Warhorn, RPGChronicles, different parts of the AtlantaPFS website, and character creation using various tools. Some content may be available before Southern-Fried Gaming Expo or DragonCon, with more to come post-convention season. If there is something you wish us to consider including, please let us know.

We’re also thrilled to announce that Starfinder 2nd Edition Playtest games will begin in August! This is the perfect time for new and interested players to try out the new game system and get a feel for the latest evolution in Starfinder gameplay.

Now, on to this week’s games:

Sunday, June 30

  • No games scheduled

Monday, July 1

  • No games scheduled

Tuesday, July 2

  • Level-Up Games (Duluth) 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Wednesday, July 3

  • Rocky Mountain Pizza Company (Atlanta) 7:15 p.m. – 11:15 p.m.

Thursday, July 4

  • No games scheduled (Happy 4th of July!)

Friday, July 5

  • No games scheduled

Saturday, July 6

  • Fantasy Grounds Unity (VTT) 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
  • TCF Gaming Arena (McDonough) 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
    • PF2 Mod: Troubles in Otari, Part 2: The Leadbuster Lads

We look forward to seeing you at the tables! Happy gaming!

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