Check Out Our New Blog Posts!
This week is a monumental one for Organized Play (Pathfinder Society & Starfinder Society) as well as Pathfinder and Starfinder in general. With the first day of Gen Con on August 1, both the Pathfinder Player Core 2 and the Starfinder 2nd Edition Playtest books will be released! Yes, you heard that right – brand new releases! This is your …
Are you interested in playing Pathfinder or Starfinder but worried about the cost? We've got great news for you – playing these exciting games is absolutely free! Whether you're joining us for a home game or participating in Organized Play, there's no requirement to own any books or materials. For home games, all you need is your enthusiasm. For Organized …
An important lesson was reinforced - never Internet without coffee! I made a mistake in the times on the initial post (the post has since been corrected, but, in order to disseminate the correct information everywhere, I am reposting with the accurate information within) for the first slots of the day. Hey Adventurers, First off, a huge THANK YOU to …